Red wine TERAN Univerzalna
Teran wine has a particular ruby red color with expressive flower and full fruity taste of blueberries, cherries, violets and coffee. His specialty gives him a terra rosa soil and Mediterranean climate. As a special wine was already appreciated in Roman times and in the wine connoisseurs still ranks as something special. Teran wine is not filtered, but it's offered natural, produced by the old karst classical method, because only in this way reflects the characteristics of the wine Teran, are being offered through the centuries.
Quantity: 0,75
Offer applies only to legal entities.
Quantity: 0,75
Offer applies only to legal entities.
- Sale price without VAT:
9.00 €
- Sale price with VAT:
10.98 €
- Regular price with VAT:
10.98 €
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